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Building Better Relationship Skills

The goal of HeartSmarts is to develop interactive relationship education for people ages 18-25 whose romantic experiences are likely to have an impact on more committed future partnerships.
HeartSmarts is committed to creating materials that resonate with people from diverse relationship orientations and ethnicities. We will offer relationship education through a 3-step training process: state-of-the-art animation skill instruction, smart-phone administered skill rehearsal and immersive virtual reality skill practice with an interactive avatar.
Healthy romantic relationships are key to emotional and physical health. They are a source of support and intimacy and a source of stress and conflict. Images of happy couples are everywhere in the media. Although most people can name the characteristics of healthy relationships such as intimacy, trust and feeling valued, most of us have never been taught how to foster a healthy relationship. Get ready for HeartSmarts.

Animation instruction makes learning fun and easy to review.
Learn Basic Skills to Manage Romantic Relationship Conflict
Practice Skills with Smart-Phone Based App
Role-play romantic conflict scenarios using voice and video to transform instruction into action.
Get feedback to improve your skills across different romantic conflict scenarios 🥰

Relationship Building That's Fun
Innovation. Knowledge. Impact.
HeartSmarts brings together an experienced team of research scientists, creative techies, animation artists, and voice actors.
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